AINP Alberta

by in Business Immigration 18 March, 2021


 International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration SystemSelf-Employed Farmer streamForeign Graduate Start-Up Visa
Work ExperienceHave a minimum of 6 months of full-time work experience that can be a combination of actively managing or owning the business or equivalencies. Equivalencies include experience with a business incubator or business accelerator, or completion of entrepreneurship program coursesFarm management skillsApplicants must prove that they have farm management skills.Proof of this may include, but is not limited to:financial documentation of an existing farm businessdocumentation of education, training and work experiencea proposed business plan for the farming enterprise you are considering in Albertaproof that a Canadian financial institution is willing to finance your proposed farming businessSufficient financial resourcesApplicants must be able to invest a minimum of CDN $500,000 of equity in a primary production farming business in Alberta.Documents must be provided that show a minimum net worth of CDN $500,000, or confirmation of the ability to access a similar amount of funds from other sources.Applicants may be required to show the ability to invest more than the minimum.Primary production investmentApplicants must document their investment plans in a proposed business plan.Applications representing the best opportunity for growth relevant to Alberta’s agri-food targets will be given priority. Applicants must be able to invest a minimum of CDN $500,000 of equity in a primary production farming business in AlbertaMinimum of 6 months full-time work experience that can be a combination of actively managing or owning the business or equivalent
EducationHave completed at least two years of full-time education in Alberta, resulting in a degree or diploma from a designated post-secondary institution in Alberta. Completion of program of study must result in a Post-Graduation Work PermitCompletion of a degree from a post-secondary institution outside of Canada within the last 2 years with an ECA
Business Plan A business plan with projected financials. Refer to the Business Plan Guidelines
Pitch Deck A 10-minute presentation (slides only) that outlines the proposed business venture and focuses on what an investor would want to see
LanguageCLB 7CLB 7
Business EstablishmentMust establish a new business or buy an existing business in Alberta with a minimum 34% ownership. The proposed business type must not be on the list of ineligible businesses.Business Partners must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents Must have a minimum of 34% ownership if the business is located in an urban centre or a minimum of 51% ownership if located in regional area outside Calgary and Edmonton
Business investment A minimum level of investment from candidate’s (or spouse or common-law partner) own equity or from a recognized Canadian financial institution, venture capital, or angel investment firm prior to coming to Alberta. The mandatory minimum investment for an urban centre is $100,000 while the mandatory minimum investment for a regional area is $50,000. Higher levels of investment prior to coming to Alberta will be awarded more points. Points are awarded for urban centre or regional area, not both
Letter of Recommendation Must have a letter of recommendation from an AINP-approved designated agency
Settlement funds Candidates must demonstrate that they have the funds needed to set up their business and support themselves while they are on a work permit and launching their start-up

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