
Sponsor an adopted child

by in Family Sponsor Ship 5 February, 2021

There are two processes that you must go through when you adopt a child from another country: the adoption process and the immigration process.

The immigration process has two parts:

  • the application for sponsorship; and
  • the application for permanent residence for the child.

After your child arrives in Canada as a permanent resident, you can apply for citizenship on the child’s behalf. However, the adoption must be finalized before the child can be granted citizenship


Requirements to sponsor a child

To sponsor a child from another country for adoption, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident (if you do not currently reside in Canada, you must do so when the adopted child becomes a permanent resident);
  • live in Canada; and
  • be at least 18 years old.

Requirements for permanent resident status

For your child to be eligible for permanent resident status, you must be:

  • a Canadian citizen, born or naturalized in Canada, applying on behalf of the adopted child who is under 18 years of age at the time of application;
  • an adopted person who is 18 years of age or older at the time of application, and was adopted by a Canadian citizen, born or naturalized in Canada;
  • a legal guardian applying on behalf of an adopted child under 18 years of age at the time of application if the child had at least one Canadian parent, born or naturalized in Canada, at the time of adoption;
  • a non-Canadian adoptive parent applying on behalf of an adopted child under 18 years of age at the time of application if the other parent is a Canadian citizen, born or naturalized in Canada at the time of the adoption.

Requirements for intercountry adoption

If you are adopting a child who is related to you, different rules from the provinces and/or the country of origin may apply.

For Canadian immigration purposes, all intercountry adoptions must:

  • be legal in the child’s home country and in the province or territory where you live;
  • end the legal relationship between your adopted child and his or her biological parents;
  • meet the requirements of your province or territory, including a home study;
  • create a genuine parent–child relationship between you and the child;
  • be in the best interests of the child;
  • not be primarily to gain permanent resident status for the child in Canada.

Children adopted outside Canada may be sponsored to come to Canada if:

  • informed consent has been given by both of your child’s biological parents (if they are living).
  • your child has been legally adopted outside Canada.
  • the requirements of the Hague Convention have been met, if they apply.

Medical requirements

Adopted children must complete a medical exam before being issued a permanent resident visa.

Once the adoption process is in progress and you have received a Letter of No Objection from the province or territory, you can apply to sponsor your child. After that, you can apply for a permanent resident visa for your child to come to Canada.

You may apply for citizenship for the child after he or she has arrived in Canada and has permanent resident status. However, the adoption must be finalized before citizenship can be granted.

Sponsoring your adopted child

When you apply to sponsor a child for adoption, remember that you are committing yourself to provide the necessary care and support for that child. You are bound to this agreement for 10 years or until the child reaches the age of 25—whichever comes first.

Apply for permanent resident status for your adopted child

If your application for sponsorship is accepted, we’ll inform the Canadian visa office that has jurisdiction over the child’s home country and send you an application for permanent residence.

When your child’s application is sent to the visa office, it will be reviewed to verify that the child meets the immigration requirements. If the adopted child is not an infant, the visa officer may have to interview the child to make a decision.

Issuing the permanent resident visa for your child to come to Canada

You will be notified when your child has met the immigration requirements and is ready to be issued a permanent resident visa.

To avoid unnecessary expense and disappointment, you should not plan to return to Canada with the adopted child until you know with certainty that all immigration requirements have been met.

While this process may seem long and complicated, it is necessary for the child’s protection.

Your child’s passport to travel to Canada

You must obtain the child’s passport from the child’s home country. You must present the passport to the Canadian visa office serving the child’s home country in order for the child to receive a permanent resident visa.

After the child has become a permanent resident, he or she will receive a permanent resident card.

After your adoptive child becomes a permanent resident in Canada, you can apply for citizenship on the child’s behalf.

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